
Made in Hawaii Products

We believe that products manufactured in Hawaii brings a special added value in the eyes of the consumer.
Our commitment to offering made in Hawaii Quality food products is showcased under the “Hawaii Selection” brand.
An array of products featured on our website, are enjoyed by both the residents of the islands as well as visitors from all destinations

地域に密着した『Made in Hawaii』 のものづくりにこだわりを持ち続けています。
ハワイの豊かな自然と穏やかな気候が生み出す恵みを最大限に活かした商品は「Hawaii Selection」ブランドとして親しまれています。

■Made in Hawaii

To protect the nature and culture of Hawaii and enrich the lives of the people of Hawaii. We are committed to the development of local production for local consumption products that are made by people using materials and consumed in Hawaii.

■ Working together with local people

In order to develop products rooted in the region that can only be done in Hawaii, taking advantage of the climate and natural features of Hawaii,
We work on manufacturing together with the people of Hawaii.

■ Deliver products that everyone can feel secure about

We pay close attention to the safety of our products, down to the smallest details. We deliver safe and secure products that reflects the values of our company.